I am trying to export a dense point cloud in Photoscan 0.9.1 build 1693, and if I leave it alone it does ok, but if I do anything else (even use a browser window) it causes a hard freeze on my computer. I have left computer alone for 4+ hours with it working fine, but as soon as I started using GIS (ArcGIS), I got a hard freeze. Alternatively if I am using chrome when I start to process, it will freeze within a few minutes of starting (last time it froze I had only PS and Chrome with one window filling out a feedback form on AMD's driver website).
Based on the last log entries for each crash, it crashes during depth reconstruction, but it doesn't appear to matter if it is a CPU or GPU operation. These are last log entry from the last three crashes:
[CPU] estimating 4708x3933x2048 disparity using 942x984x8u tiles, offset 0
[CPU] estimating 2002x3166x1120 disparity using 1001x1056x8u tiles, offset 0
[GPU] estimating 3498x4522x608 disparity using 875x905x8u tiles, offset -608
Project is 272 cameras (12MP), and I am exporting as File/Export Points/ASPRS LAS in local coordinates with point colors, dense point cloud, ultra-high resolution.
I have dual Gigabyte HD7970s NOT in crossfire configuration on a Dell t7500 workstation with 192GB RAM and dual Xeon X5647 CPUs. Each card drives a single monitor on DVI. Power supply is 1100 watt + 450 watt auxiliary. I don't have the cards overclocked, just operating with the default configuration. I duplicated the freeze issue on 13.6 beta 2 AND 13.4 AMD drivers. This issue occurs with both versions.
Symptoms are: Computer goes into a hard freeze. One screen goes blank (not always the same one, but the one that has the active window) and the other freezes. The first time it happened, the screen that didn't go blank maintained mouse movement for a short period, then froze. Once computer freezes, the GPU fans wind down, and the HDD light stops blinking. I force-poweroff with a button push. If I leave the computer alone while processing, it appears to work fine.
I haven't had a problem while generating geometry otherwise.