
Author Topic: Agisoft PhotoScan 0.9.1 pre-release  (Read 182873 times)


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Re: Agisoft PhotoScan 0.9.1 pre-release
« Reply #105 on: May 23, 2013, 06:21:05 PM »
Hello guys,

I have done some more testing and found some strange behavior of a tool "masking from background".
It might be again my fault or lack of knowledge I am not sure.

I included a zip file with two TIF pictures one with my object and other without it, when I start to import mask from background this is what happens for me

with tolerance set between 1 and 17 the tool does not mask the space between the body and arm
with tolerance set between 18 and 19 the tool does masks the space between the body and arm
with tolerance set between 20 and 76 the tool does not mask the space between the body and arm
with tolerance set higher than 77 the tool again start to mask the space between the body and arm

I might not understand the tolerance setting, anyone could try and see if it happens for him and/or help me understand how to use it properly.



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Re: Agisoft PhotoScan 0.9.1 pre-release
« Reply #106 on: May 29, 2013, 07:58:22 PM »
I  *think* the first part of the "align process, "Detecting points" slowed down (about one 12MP image per second) in build 1684.

I could be wrong, but I thought this used to go much faster than about 1/sec. Images are from two different cameras, with generic preselection and high accuracy setting.

I did just upgrade from two Nvidia GTX 560Ti cards to two AMD HD 7970 cards, and from 48GB RAM to 192GB, but checked openCL and I have two CPU cores disabled. Besides, I think GPU isn't even used in this step? Computer is Dell T7500, dual Xeon X5647 CPUs @ 2.93GHz.

Please someone tell me if it is always this slow and I just am imagining things? I always second-guess myself after a hardware upgrade...

[edit] I confirmed on another machine that this is the speed points are detected. I guess I just never worked with that many images before (or I am getting impatient ) .

« Last Edit: June 01, 2013, 10:19:20 PM by andyroo »


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Re: Agisoft PhotoScan 0.9.1 pre-release
« Reply #107 on: May 29, 2013, 09:31:46 PM »
Andy OpenCL need to be set with 4 cores disabled - because highly possible you use Hyperthreading, 1 core real + 1 core "virtual" - for every card disable 2 in that settings...

And Aligment work just on CPU for now, but theoreticaly it could be ported to GPU later.... but its not easy task...


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Re: Agisoft PhotoScan 0.9.1 pre-release
« Reply #108 on: June 04, 2013, 07:07:00 PM »
Should old builds be uninstalled before installing newer builds?
Digital Mapping & Graphics LLC


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Re: Agisoft PhotoScan 0.9.1 pre-release
« Reply #109 on: June 04, 2013, 07:40:06 PM »
Yes. When trying to install a new version and an older version is present on your system, you will be asked to uninstall the older version first.


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Re: Agisoft PhotoScan 0.9.1 pre-release
« Reply #110 on: June 14, 2013, 02:18:47 AM »
Is the green-blue-gray marker behavior still the same as described in this post?

the green flag is used for the projection defined or refined by user, and the blue ones are those placed automatically (using Guided approach for marker placement, for example).

Grey flags are not taken into account for triangulation.

Specifically, is it still true in the 0.9.1 beta that the grey flags are not taken into account for triangulation?

The manual for 0.9.1 says (Page 33), "• If a marker has been placed on at least two aligned images PhotoScan will find the marker projections on the rest of the photos. The calculated marker positions will be indicated with  icon on the corresponding aligned photos in Photo View mode."

I am using the GCP import technique described by JMR in the "GCP faster" post (which saves me a lot of time, since otherwise I would be entering ~100 GCPs manually every week or two). Generally, after I assign three or so GCPs to two images each, then "update", I can just click and drag the rest of the flags to their proper location. Once I click and drag two flags for the same GCP to the right place, the rest of them are in great locations. But they are still gray until I click on them. I would like to just accept some of those locations as-is (or force the "guided approach" to turn them into blue flags). But if I leave them be and they aren't used for triangulation, that's bad, and if I touch them they move. Is there a way to just "Accept" as-is or force them to behave as in the "guided" approach?



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Re: Agisoft PhotoScan 0.9.1 pre-release
« Reply #111 on: June 14, 2013, 11:24:52 PM »
I don't know if this would qualify as a bug or not, but I accidentally left off the minus sign on the one of the horizontal bounds of a jpg orthophoto, which resulted in one of the mosaic axes being 148 million pixels, and the last thing photoscan said before it ate all 192 GB of my memory was:

Mosaic size: 148206540x38093
Estimating mosaic occupancy...

I had to manually terminate the process (I waited ~10 minutes for it to try to stop itself after hitting cancel).

It seems like some kind of reality check on the mosaic size would be a good addition (at least checking to make sure that a jpg mosaic doesn't exceed the maximum legal size of 65535 x 65535)


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Re: Agisoft PhotoScan 0.9.1 pre-release
« Reply #112 on: June 19, 2013, 11:02:55 PM »
I am trying to export a dense point cloud in Photoscan 0.9.1 build 1693, and if I leave it alone it does ok, but if I do anything else (even use a browser window) it causes a hard freeze on my computer. I have left computer alone for 4+ hours with it working fine, but as soon as I started using GIS (ArcGIS), I got a hard freeze. Alternatively if I am using chrome when I start to process, it will freeze within a few minutes of starting (last time it froze I had only PS and Chrome with one window filling out a feedback form on AMD's driver website).

Based on the last log entries for each crash, it crashes during depth reconstruction, but it doesn't appear to matter if it is a CPU or GPU operation. These are last log entry from the last three crashes:

[CPU] estimating 4708x3933x2048 disparity using 942x984x8u tiles, offset 0
[CPU] estimating 2002x3166x1120 disparity using 1001x1056x8u tiles, offset 0
[GPU] estimating 3498x4522x608 disparity using 875x905x8u tiles, offset -608

Project is 272 cameras (12MP), and I am exporting as File/Export Points/ASPRS LAS in local coordinates with point colors, dense point cloud, ultra-high resolution.

I have dual Gigabyte HD7970s NOT in crossfire configuration on a Dell t7500 workstation with 192GB RAM and dual Xeon X5647 CPUs. Each card drives a single monitor on DVI. Power supply is 1100 watt + 450 watt auxiliary. I don't have the cards overclocked, just operating with the default configuration. I duplicated the freeze issue on 13.6 beta 2 AND 13.4 AMD drivers. This issue occurs with both versions.

Symptoms are: Computer goes into a hard freeze. One screen goes blank (not always the same one, but the one that has the active window) and the other freezes. The first time it happened, the screen that didn't go blank maintained mouse movement for a short period, then froze. Once computer freezes, the GPU fans wind down, and the HDD light stops blinking. I force-poweroff with a button push. If I leave the computer alone while processing, it appears to work fine.

I haven't had a problem while generating geometry otherwise.

Alexey Pasumansky

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Re: Agisoft PhotoScan 0.9.1 pre-release
« Reply #113 on: June 20, 2013, 10:26:28 PM »
Hello andyroo,

Do you mean that Dense point cloud export and Build Geometry processes have different behavior at depth maps reconstruction step?
Best regards,
Alexey Pasumansky,
Agisoft LLC


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Re: Agisoft PhotoScan 0.9.1 pre-release
« Reply #114 on: July 23, 2013, 07:00:17 AM »
I'm running version 0.9.1 build 1703. I ran Help>Check For Updates and it indicated I was running the current version, No update required. On the Agisoft download demo web page it list 0.9.1 build 1714. Is this a typo or is it actually a newer build?
Digital Mapping & Graphics LLC

Alexey Pasumansky

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Re: Agisoft PhotoScan 0.9.1 pre-release
« Reply #115 on: July 23, 2013, 09:41:11 AM »
Hello bisenberger,

There is a newer build with some minor fixes.
Best regards,
Alexey Pasumansky,
Agisoft LLC