
Author Topic: Setting maximum dimension of exported orthomosaic  (Read 3310 times)


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Setting maximum dimension of exported orthomosaic
« on: October 17, 2018, 01:23:34 PM »
I am processing a set of photos from consecutive spots of a specific area with a python script. The processing involves photos alignment and creation of a dense cloud, a mesh and an orthomosaic. When I export the orthomosaic in a tiff file using GUI, I have the option of setting the maximum dimension in a lower value so that I can produce a considerably smaller file. Specifically I change the value from 4096 to 1024. However, it seems that I do not have this option in exportOrtomosaic python function. Is there a way I can change the resolution of the exported file using the python script?

Yoann Courtois

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Re: Setting maximum dimension of exported orthomosaic
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2018, 12:03:50 PM »
Hi John !

Here is the solution :

Hello mikeb,

You can use the following methods related to orthomosaic to calculate the require export resolution:

So if you need to export the orthomosaic using max-dimension = X, then I think you can use the following:

Code: [Select]
dx = dy = max(chunk.orthomosaic.width, chunk.orthomosaic.height) * chunk.orthomosaic.resolution / X
R&D Engineer in photogrammetric process and mobile application