Hello Benoît,
Actually, you can load the coordinates of the fiducial marks via Python (no option in the current release via GUI, unfortunately),
For example, if you have the line, like the following:
Then the script line loading this as a fiducial would be the following (assuming that you have only one calibration group in the active chunk already switched to "scanned images with fiducial marks)
chunk = PhotoScan.app.document.chunk
line = "fiducial_1,image0001.JPG,100,200"
fiducial = chunk.addMarker()
fiducial.type = PhotoScan.Marker.Type.Fiducial
fiducial.sensor = chunk.sensors[0]
label, cam_label, x, y = line.strip().split(",")
fiducial.label = label
for camera in chunk.cameras:
if camera.label.upper() == cam_label.upper():
fiducial.projections(camera) = PhotoScan.Marker.Projection(PhotoScan.Vector([x, y]), True)
print("fiducial created")