
Author Topic: Optimum texture size  (Read 5723 times)


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Optimum texture size
« on: October 30, 2018, 01:20:38 AM »
An image set taken with a 50MPix camera will have more texture detail then the same set of 10MPix images. How do I calculate what my resulting texture should be (texture resolution and number of textures) so that it takes full advantage of the source image resolution.
Is there a feature I missed which can calculate the optimal texture?

I know that in building a tiled mesh, a choice is given to the amount of detail that the user wants in the texture, but nothing similar exists for generating a regular texture.

Are there any tricks or advice?

Alexey Pasumansky

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Re: Optimum texture size
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2018, 02:09:52 PM »
Hello outsider,

When you are generating texture, you just define the size of the texture atlas (single or multi-page) in pixels.
Best regards,
Alexey Pasumansky,
Agisoft LLC


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Re: Optimum texture size
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2018, 02:09:41 AM »
I realize that all I'm defining is the size of the texture atlas.
That's not what I was asking.

For example, take the "Building" dataset.  There are 50 images, each image being 12.7 megapixels.
Just because I can set a texture atlas of 50 x 16k images, doesn't mean that I'll get that much resolution out of the source data. The source data has much much less info in those images.

So beyond a certain point, increasing the texture atlas any further just wastes space.

I'm just looking for a way to find the optimum texture atlas that projects the original images pixel per pixel (or as close to that as possible) onto the resulting texture.

Is there any way to do that?


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Re: Optimum texture size
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2021, 06:29:46 PM »
Hi outsider,

did you finally find a solution to this problem? I'm also trying to figure out a smart way to choose the optimal texture size/count for the model so that it uses all the information of the source images.