yes I think you are right, the last 5 correspond to k1,k2,k3 and p1, p2 distorsion parameters... the 3rd and 4 th parameters seem to correspond to Principal point position in pixels. In screen capture, I show calibration done on P4RTK set corresponding to first example. In this case no dewarp parameters were applied and camera exhibits high radial distorsion… In this calibration, I have also a r4 radial parameter estimated....The first 2 parameters are more difficult to explain, they seem to correspond to something like focal length in pixels ( 2 values for affinity^?) but are far from 3663 value estimated in PS.... DJI should give more information on this especially since it puts in EXIF calibrated focal and PP at:
Calibrated Focal Length : 3666.666504
Calibrated Optical Center X : 2736.000000
Calibrated Optical Center Y : 1824.000000
High Paulo,
Not exactly sure what you mean but do you mean that you processed your data letting Photoscan estimate/optimize all camera parameters, OR did you import the values provided by DJI as fixed parameters?
In the meantime I've received official word from DJI on the meaning of the nine consecutive values in the DeWarpData field:
fx;fy is the focal length in the pixe and where
cx;cy is the optical center expressed in pixel coordinate (Origin point as the center of the imager).
Now that leaves me wondering what settings we should use in Photoscan's camera calibration dialog as there's only one field for focal length, whereas the XMP metadata provides us with two (horizontally and vertically). I also reckon we should go via the
Convert Calibration setting (within the Camera Calibration pane) and change the value in the Type-field, which is set to
Photomodeller by default, to
Pix4D Perspective. This would be due to Photomodeller expressing both focal length and principal points in millimeters (mm), whereas the P4RTK's XMP metadata expresses these values in pixel (pix) units and this is allowed when changing the Type-field within Convert Calibration to Pix4D Perspective.
Again I'm not sure and still guessing on some details, it'd be great of some of the developers could tune in to this!