This is how I use the dewarp data in the XMP tags to calibrate the camera in Metashape:
<drone-dji:DewarpData> 2018-10-23;3662.110000000000,3655.160000000000,5.850000000000,-31.610000000000,-0.268279000000,0.110783000000,0.000693505000,-0.000105054000,-0.031359200000</drone-dji:DewarpData>
Date: 2018-10-23
fx: 3662.110000000000
fy: 3655.160000000000
cx: 5.850000000000
cy: -31.610000000000
k1: -0.268279000000
k2: 0.110783000000
p1: 0.000693505000
p2: -0.000105054000
k3: -0.031359200000
• fx, fy - focal length
• cx, cy - principal point coordinates
• K1, K2, K3, P1, P2 - radial distortion coefficients
As the camera calibration dialog in Metashape only supports and single value for f, I use the calibrated focal length tag from the XMP data;
In terms of the conversion to OSGB36 with the OSGM15 geoid inside Metashape, I've found it to do an excellent job. We recently did a survey that had to tie in with an existing traditionally surveyed area. We did use several check points surveyed using post processed solutions from a Reach RS+ then converted to OSGB36 using the OS Net online conversion tool, the resultant errors were around 2cm RMSE XY and 3cm RMSE Z. which was well within the tolerance.