Hi Domingo,
Try to write the EXIF information of your imagery into an external CSV file using EXIFTOOL.
Follow this instruction: https://medium.com/@hunchly/bulk-extracting-exif-metadata-with-hunchly-and-exiftool-164d67c8d7e2
When you have generated the exif.csv file, open PhotoScan, load your images and click on the IMPORT icon in the reference pane (first icon from left). It will allow you to import camera locations (and orientations), not just GCP/marker information. Just make sure that the name in the label column matches the filename of your images.
If you can share your imagery again then I'll test it for you.
All the best.
Thank you very much for your answer SAV
I'm doing the same as you, but from the file with extension * .RMK, generated by the Phantom 4 RTK.
In that file are the EXIF data of all the photographs, I edit it to keep only the data I need and import it following the same method.
My intention is to make PhotoScan automatically read the data of the accuracy of the coordinates as the Pix4d mapper does.
To avoid having to do a previous process before adding the photos in PhotoScan.
I would also like to know if to process some photographs with precision of 1 or 2 cm photocenters, taken with a Phantom 4 RTK, it would be necessary to modify the type parameters that I am using to process the photographs of a Phantom 4 PRO
Receives a warm greeting.