I just tested a workflow that is cumbersome, but useful: Shoot bracketed (0, -2EV, +2EV) exposures, merge to 32-bit HDR, save as OpenEXR, process in PhotoScan. It gives some good results, but the work for a large dataset is prohibitive.
Would it be possible to add functionality to:
1) Analyze the photo capture time/exposure/filename in the EXIF data, and then bracket stacked exposures
- I see this working as a separate option pre-alignment, that works in combination with the existing photo analysis tool. First the quality of the exposures are checked, and then the stack is checked for alignment, and then a score is produced for the stack.
2) Automatically stack the bracket into a 32-bit OpenEXR for point cloud analysis.
This would be extremely helpful for creating interactive 3D environments, such as in a game engine.