
Author Topic: Re-Load intermediate results point clouds after PCcrash during PointCloud Making  (Read 2624 times)


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Hi all

We were generating a point cloud out of a large number of photos (+2000) and during this process the computer crashed.
As I read in the manual page 35 ("saving intermediate results"), agisoft saves intermediate steps.

Can I restart the dense point cloud from these intermediate results instead of making an entierely new point cloud?

How can I reload these intermediate steps?

Thank you


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I have never been able to recover from a computer crash or power outage using Photoscan on a single workstation.

So, what I did to solve that problem is use Photoscan Pro in network mode.   Install Photoscan Pro on a computer that will not lose power or reboot and start Photoscan in -server mode.  When you start a process that takes a lot of time, use network processing.    Start Photoscan Pro on your workstation in -node mode.  It will do the work in tasks that the job manager manages. 

The job manager maintains state of the job.  If the workstation goes offline for any reason, the job manager will wait until it comes back online and resume the job.  Recent versions of Photoscan Pro allow you to save the state of jobs in the job manager so you can save  job state, shutdown the job manager, then reload the state and resume network processing later.



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Thank you very much for your answer. I will consider this for the next time.

But how is this section meant with saving intermediate reuslts during the process?

"Saving intermediate results
Certain stages of 3D model reconstruction can take a long time. The full chain of operations could
eventually last for 4-6 hours when building a model from hundreds of photos. It is not always possible to
complete all the operations in one run. PhotoScan allows to save intermediate results in a project file.
" - Agisoft Manual 1.4 p 35

Alexey Pasumansky

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Hello Sparkling_Water,

The section that you are referring to describes the outputs that can be saved after each processing step.

Currently it is not possible to recover the data from the middle of the operation, unless you have run the processing using Network distribution feature and the server instance has not been shut down. Only in the latter case you would be able to continue the processing from the same sub-task.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2018, 05:55:30 PM by Alexey Pasumansky »
Best regards,
Alexey Pasumansky,
Agisoft LLC