Case study of using full spherical 360° images in Agisoft Metashape
Christiane Zhao (Weiss AG)
11 January 2021
Мониторинг ледника Колка в 2014–2017 гг. методом наземной стереофотосъёмки
К.А. Аристов, Д.А. Петраков, Н.В. Коваленко, С.А. Тимонин, А.А. Колчин, В.Н. Дробышев
3D Mapping river ice using drones and structure from motion
Knut Alfredsen, Christian Haas, Jeffrey A. Tuhtan, Peggy Zinke
3-D uncertainty-based topographic change detection with structure-from-motion: precision maps for ground control and directly georeferenced surveys
Mike R. James, Stuart Robson, Mark W. Smith
Optimising UAV topographic surveys processed with structure-from-motion photogrammetry: Ground control quality, quantity and bundle adjustment
Mike R. James, Stuart Robson, Sebastian d’Oleire-Oltmanns, Uwe Niethammer
Cost-effective non-metric photogrammetry from consumer-grade sUAS: implications for direct georeferencing of structure from motion photogrammetry
Patrice E. Carbonneau, James T. Dietrich
Using Aerial Robotics and Virtual Reality to Inspect Earthquake Damage in Taiwan
7 February 2016
Ice-cored moraine degradation mapped and quantified using an unmanned aerial vehicle: a case study from a polythermal glacier in Svalbard
T.N. Tonkin, N.G. Midgley, S.J. Cook, D.J. Graham
29 December 2015
Topography, Aerial Photogrammetry, Bathymetry: Use of Different Aerial Equipment from UAV, Data Integration and Results Analysis
Simona Alauria, Luca Amatori
October 2015
Soil surface roughness quantification using DEM obtained from UAV photogrammetry
Cezary Kazmierowski, Jakub Ceglarek, Slawomir Królewicz, Jerzy Cierniewski, Jaroslaw Jasiewicz, Michal Wyczalek
June 2015
UAV photogrammetry and structure from motion to assess calving dynamics at Store Glacier, a large outlet draining the Greenland ice sheet
J. C. Ryan, A. L. Hubbard, J. E. Box, J. Todd, P. Christoffersen, J. R. Carr, T. O. Holt and N. Snooke
January 2015
The potential of small unmanned aircraft systems and structure-from-motion for topographic surveys: A test of emerging integrated approaches at Cwm Idwal, North Wales
T.N. Tonkin, N.G. Midgley, D.J. Graham, J.C. Labadz
1 December 2014
The Use of a Multirotor and High-resolution Imaging for Precision Horticulture in Chile: An Industry Perspective
D. Wulfsohn, I. Zamora Lagos
July 2014
A Comparison of Multi-view 3D Reconstruction of a Rock Wall Using Several Cameras and a Laser Scanner
K. Thoeni, A. Giacomini, R. Murtagh, E. Kniest
June 2014
Опыт использования БЛА при проведении практики студентов на «Заокском геополигоне» МИИГАиК
В.М. Курков, А.В. Смирнов, Д.П. Иноземцев
UAV Photogrammetry: Block Triangulation Comparisons
Rossana Gini, Diana Pagliari, Daniele Passoni, Livio Pinto, Giovanna Sona, Paolo Dosso
4 September 2013
H. de Melo e Silva, C. Brooks, R Dobson, J. Ebling, D. Evans, B. Hart, R. Oats, C. Roussi, K. Vaghefi
14 January 2011